Mozilla Tech Speaker
Full Stack Developer
Open Source Aholic
2009 - Graydon Hoare
2010 - Mozilla adoption
2012 - First release of the compiler
2015 - First stable realese (1.0)
2016 - Most Loved Language for StackOverflow
Rust is a systems programming language focused on three goals: safety, speed, and concurrency.
Stack allocation of structures
Pointers into stack memory
Threads with shared memory
No dangling pointers
No memory leaks
No data races
Can be used to write kernels and embedded code
You never get the dangers of a garbage collector kicking in at inopportune times
It can integrate with other languages that do need their own runtimes (like JavaScript)
$ cargo new hello_world --bin
$ cd hello_world
$ tree .
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
1 directory, 2 files
name = "hello_world"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
This is called a manifest, and it contains all of the metadata that Cargo needs to compile your project.
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
$ cargo build
Compiling hello_world v0.1.0 (file:///path/hello_world)
$ ./target/debug/hello_world
Hello, world!
$ cargo run
Fresh hello_world v0.1.0 (file:///path/hello_world)
Running `target/hello_world`
Hello, world!
let var_name = 4;
let mut var_name = other_var;
let x: i32 = 8;
println!("{}", x); // Prints "8"
let x = 12;
println!("{}", x); // Prints "12"
println!("{}", x); // Prints "8"
let x = 42;
println!("{}", x); // Prints "42"
fn main() {
print_sum(3, 4);
fn print_sum(x: i32, y: i32) {
println!("sum is: {}", x + y);
fn add_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
x + 1 // No semicolons needed here!
fn foo(x: i32) -> i32 {
return x;
// we never run this code!
x + 1
fn foo(x: i32) -> i32 {
return x + 1; // Buhh, poor style!
let x = 5;
let y = if x == 5 { 10 } else { 15 }; // y: i32
if is an expression. The value of the expression is the value of the last expression in whichever branch was chosen.
loop {
println!("Loop forever!");
let mut x = 5; // mut x: i32
let mut done = false; // mut done: bool
while !done {
x += x - 3;
println!("{}", x);
if x % 5 == 0 {
done = true;
// C-Style
for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
printf( "%d\n", x );
// Rust Style
for x in 0..10 {
println!("{}", x); // x: i32
for (index, value) in (5..10).enumerate() {
println!("index = {} and value = {}", index, value);
index = 0 and value = 5
index = 1 and value = 6
index = 2 and value = 7
index = 3 and value = 8
index = 4 and value = 9
let lines = "hello\nworld".lines();
for (linenumber, line) in lines.enumerate() {
println!("{}: {}", linenumber, line);
0: hello
1: world
let mut x = 5;
loop {
x += x - 3;
println!("{}", x);
if x % 5 == 0 { break; }
for x in 0..10 {
if x % 2 == 0 { continue; }
println!("{}", x);
struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,
fn main() {
let origin = Point { x: 0, y: 0 }; // origin: Point
println!("The origin is at ({}, {})", origin.x, origin.y);
let x = 1;
match x {
0 => println!("Zero"),
1 => println!("One"),
2 => println!("Two"),
3 => println!("Three"),
4 => println!("Four"),
5 => println!("Five"),
_ => println!("Six or more!"),
let x = 1;
let number = match x {
0 => "0",
1 => "One",
2 => "Two",
3 => "Three",
4 => "4",
5 => "5",
_ => "Six or more!",
extern crate rand;
use std::io;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use rand::Rng;
fn main() {
println!("Guess a number between 1 and 100!");
let secret_number = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(1, 101);
loop {
println!("Please input your guess.");
let mut guess = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut guess)
.expect("failed to read line");
let guess: u32 = match guess.trim().parse() {
Ok(num) => num,
Err(_) => continue,
println!("You guessed: {}", guess);
match guess.cmp(&secret_number) {
Ordering::Less => println!("Too small!"),
Ordering::Greater => println!("Too big!"),
Ordering::Equal => {
println!("You win!");
1 on 4: learning curve
1 on 7: lack of libraries
1 on 9: general “maturity” concerns
1 on 19: lack of IDEs (1 on 4 non-users)
1 on 20: compiler performance
Have a lower learning curve
Have a pleasant edit-compile-debug cycle
Provide a solid, but basic IDE experience
Provide easy access to high quality crates
Be well-equipped for writing robust, high-scale servers
Have 1.0-level crates for essential tasks
Integrate easily into large build systems
Rust's community should provide mentoring
Integration with other languages
running the gamut from C to JavaScript
Usage in resource-constrained environments
Mozilla IRC - #rust, #rust-beginners, etc.
Reddit: /r/rust
Rust Meetup (Anche a Roma!!!)
Mozilla Italia sta costruendo una community nazionale